Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NCMRThe namespace for this project
 NABCAugment-Branch-Cut solution
 CBaseBrancherAbstract base class for implementing a branching node selection rule
 CBranchTourFindCompute branch tours for estimation and instatement, managing their edges
 CDFSbrancherDepth-first search branching
 CInterBrancherInterleaved best-estimate and best-first search branching
 CQprefBrancherClass template for branching with priority queue via some preference rule
 NDataData group namespace
 CBestGroupInformation about the current best tour
 CInstanceStoring TSP instance data
 CKarpPartitionClass for computing and storing Karp partitions
 CSupportGroupSupport graph data for an LP solution
 NGraphClasses and functions for working with graphs
 CAdjListRepresentation of a graph as an adjacency list
 CAdjObjObject used to represent adjacency in a Graph::AdjList
 CCoreGraphGraph structures for the edges currently in a CoreLP::Relaxation
 CEdgeRepresenting graph edges and costs
 CNodeA vertex in a Graph::AdjList graph
 NLPManners related to LP relaxations and solver interfaces
 CActiveTourInformation about the active tour in a CoreLP
 CBasisRow and column basic statuses corresponding to some LP solution
 CCoreLPClass for storing the core lp associated to a TSP instance and pivoting
 CCPXparamGuardA scope guard for making temporary changes to a CPLEX parameter
 CDualGroupClass template for storing dual LP solutions
 CEstimateStruct for storing info from branching estimates
 CNDpivotHandleHandle for data during a non-degenerate pivot callback
 CRelaxationClass for storing an lp relaxation via interface to an lp solver
 CSparseRowSimple struct representing sparse matrix row for passing to LP solver
 NPriceMatters related to pricing sets of edges
 CPricerGet reduced costs for edges not in the core lp
 NSepClasses and functions related to cut separation
 CCCsepBaseAbstract base class for calling Concorde separation routines
 CCliqueClass for storing segment lists representing edges of a hypergraph
 CCliqueBankStorage of a repository of Cliques, for use in building a HyperGraph
 CConcordeSeparatorClass template for straightforward Concorde separation routines
 CCutQueueClass template for queue of cuts in some form
 CdominoparityStructure for storing simple DP inequalities
 CDPwitnessClass for building miniature simple DP witness cutgraphs
 Cex_blossomStructure for storing blossom inequalities from exact primal separation
 CExBlossomsExact primal blossom separation as per Letchford and Lodi's algorithm
 CExternalCutsThe external storage of a collection of HyperGraph cuts in a Relaxation
 CHyperGraphExternal representation of a cut added to the lp relaxation
 CLocalCutsPrimal separation of non-template local cuts via standard heuristics
 CLPcutListManagement of Concorde lpcut_in linked list
 Chungry_deleteDeleter to clear the linked list
 CMetaCutsSeparation of cut metamorphoses
 CMIRgroupMemory-managed access to classes needed during safe GMI separation
 CPoolCutsCut pool separation
 CSafeGomoryPrimal separation of safe Gomory cuts
 CSeparatorManagement of basic separation routines
 CSimpleDPSeparating primal simple domino parity inequalities
 CSimpleToothRepresenting simple tooth inequalities
 CSystemDeleterDeleter for constraint matrix system
 CToothVertex set structure used in tooth inequalities for domino parity cuts
 CToothBankStorage of a repository of Teeth, for use in building a HyperGraph
 CToothBodyRepresenting bodies of simple tooth inequalities with associated slack
 CTourGraphWrapper to Concorde CCtsp_lpgraph for pricing cuts at tours
 NutilUtility functions/structures used miscellaneous places in the project
 CC_resource_deleterClass template for deleting resources allocated by C functions
 CEdgeHashHash map for node pairs representing edges
 CFixed64A 64-bit fixed precision number type "implemented" as a wrapper to CCbigguy
 Cretcode_errorStructure for converting retcodes to exceptions
 CScopeGuardCode from Andrei Alexandrescu's ScopeGuard11 slides
 CSquareUTClass template for a square upper triangular matrix
 CEndPtsSimple base class for storing edge of a graph as a sorted pair of nodes
 COutPrefsPreferences related to tour file output and verbosity
 CSegmentSimple utility struct for storing an interval of nodes
 CSolverSolution of TSP instances
 CCutSelWhich separation routines should be called
 CPivStatsTracking objective values of pivots within a cut_and_piv loop
 CTimerA class for recording CPU and wall clock time
 Chash< CMR::Sep::Clique >Partial specialization of std::hash taken from CCtsp_hashclique
 Chash< CMR::Sep::Tooth >Partial specialization of std::hash from CCtsp_hashdomino
 COptDataData grabbed from the user at the command line