Classes | Typedefs | Functions
CMR::Sep Namespace Reference

Classes and functions related to cut separation. More...


class  CandidateTeeth
class  CCsepBase
 Abstract base class for calling Concorde separation routines. More...
class  Clique
 Class for storing segment lists representing edges of a hypergraph. More...
class  CliqueBank
 Storage of a repository of Cliques, for use in building a HyperGraph. More...
class  ConcordeSeparator
 Class template for straightforward Concorde separation routines. More...
class  CutQueue
 Class template for queue of cuts in some form. More...
struct  dominoparity
 Structure for storing simple DP inequalities. More...
class  DPwitness
 Class for building miniature simple DP witness cutgraphs. More...
struct  ex_blossom
 Structure for storing blossom inequalities from exact primal separation. More...
class  ExBlossoms
 Exact primal blossom separation as per Letchford and Lodi's algorithm. More...
class  ExternalCuts
 The external storage of a collection of HyperGraph cuts in a Relaxation. More...
class  HyperGraph
 External representation of a cut added to the lp relaxation. More...
class  LocalCuts
 Primal separation of non-template local cuts via standard heuristics. More...
class  LPcutList
 Management of Concorde lpcut_in linked list. More...
class  MetaCuts
 Separation of cut metamorphoses. More...
struct  MIRgroup
 Memory-managed access to classes needed during safe GMI separation. More...
class  PoolCuts
 Cut pool separation. More...
class  SafeGomory
 Primal separation of safe Gomory cuts. More...
class  Separator
 Management of basic separation routines. More...
class  SimpleDP
 Separating primal simple domino parity inequalities. More...
struct  SimpleTooth
 Representing simple tooth inequalities. More...
struct  SystemDeleter
 Deleter for constraint matrix system. More...
class  Tooth
 Vertex set structure used in tooth inequalities for domino parity cuts. More...
class  ToothBank
 Storage of a repository of Teeth, for use in building a HyperGraph. More...
struct  ToothBody
 Representing bodies of simple tooth inequalities with associated slack. More...
class  TourGraph
 Wrapper to Concorde CCtsp_lpgraph for pricing cuts at tours. More...
struct  VinfoDeleter


using CCsepCall = decltype(&CCtsp_segment_cuts)
 Alias declaration for Concorde separator call prototype.
using lpcut_in = CCtsp_lpcut_in
using ToothList = CandidateTeeth::ToothList
using IteratorMat = CandidateTeeth::IteratorMat


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, HyperGraph::Type t)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, MetaCuts::Type t)
LP::SparseRow get_row (const CCtsp_lpcut_in &cc_cut, const std::vector< int > &perm, const Graph::CoreGraph &core_graph)
 SparseRow corresponding to Concorde cut.
LP::SparseRow get_row (const dominoparity &dp_cut, const std::vector< int > &tour_nodes, const Graph::CoreGraph &core_graph)
 SparseRow corresponding to simple DP inequality.
LP::SparseRow get_row (const std::vector< int > &handle_delta, const std::vector< std::vector< int >> &tooth_edges, const Graph::CoreGraph &core_graph)
 SparseRow corresponding to the handle and tooth edges of a blossom.
template<typename number_type >
double get_activity (const std::vector< number_type > &x, const LP::SparseRow &R)
 Function template for determining the activity or lhs of a vector on a row.
std::vector< int > teeth_inds (const ex_blossom &B, const std::vector< double > &tour_edges, const std::vector< double > &lp_vec, const std::vector< Graph::Edge > &edges, int ncount)
 Gets the indices of the teeth for an ex_blossom B relative to edges.
std::vector< int > teeth_inds (const ex_blossom &B, const std::vector< double > &tour_edges, const std::vector< double > &lp_vec, const std::vector< Graph::Edge > &edges, int ncount, const std::vector< int > &handle_delta)
 Like the other version, but if we already have handle_delta.
bool bad_blossom (const ex_blossom &B, const std::vector< double > &tour_edges, const std::vector< double > &lp_vec, const std::vector< Graph::Edge > &edges, int ncount)
 Returns true if the blossom is invalid for some reason.
SparseRow get_row (const dominoparity &dp_cut, const vector< int > &tour_nodes, const Graph::CoreGraph &core_graph)
SparseRow get_row (const vector< int > &handle_delta, const vector< vector< int >> &tooth_edges, const Graph::CoreGraph &core_graph)
vector< int > teeth_inds (const ex_blossom &B, const vector< double > &tour_edges, const vector< double > &lp_vec, const vector< Graph::Edge > &edges, int ncount, const vector< int > &handle_delta)
vector< int > teeth_inds (const ex_blossom &B, const vector< double > &tour_edges, const vector< double > &lp_vec, const vector< Graph::Edge > &edges, int ncount)
 As above, but without precomputed handle_.
bool bad_blossom (const ex_blossom &B, const vector< double > &tour_edges, const vector< double > &lp_vec, const vector< Graph::Edge > &edges, int ncount)
 Same arguments as teeth_inds. More...


String names for ConcordeSeparator template instantiation.

These need to be defined to pass a string literal as a template parameter, see eg

constexpr char seg_fname [] = "CCtsp_segment_cuts"
constexpr char con_fname [] = "CCtsp_connect_cuts"
constexpr char ex_fname [] = "CCtsp_exact_subtours"
constexpr char f2m_fname [] = "CCtsp_fastblossom"
constexpr char gh2m_fname [] = "CCtsp_ghfastblossom"
constexpr char blk_fname [] = "CCtsp_block_combs"

ConcordeSeparator explicit instantiations.

Except for SegmentCuts, all of these are standard heuristics.

using SegmentCuts = ConcordeSeparator< CCtsp_segment_cuts, false, seg_fname >
 Exact primal SEC separation.
using ConnectCuts = ConcordeSeparator< CCtsp_connect_cuts, false, con_fname >
 Standard connected component SEC generation.
using ExactSub = ConcordeSeparator< CCtsp_exact_subtours, false, ex_fname >
 Exact standard SEC separation.
using FastBlossoms = ConcordeSeparator< CCtsp_fastblossom, true, f2m_fname >
 Odd component fast blossoms.
using GHblossoms = ConcordeSeparator< CCtsp_ghfastblossom, true, gh2m_fname >
 Gr"otschel-Holland blossom heuristic.
using BlockCombs = ConcordeSeparator< BlkCombCall, true, blk_fname >
 Block comb separation.
int BlkCombCall (CCtsp_lpcut_in **c, int *cutcount, int ncount, int ecount, int *elist, double *ecap)
 Wrapper function because CCtsp_block_combs takes a silent parameter. More...

Detailed Description

Classes and functions related to cut separation.

Matters related to cuts and separation of cutting planes.

Function Documentation

bool CMR::Sep::bad_blossom ( const ex_blossom B,
const vector< double > &  tour_edges,
const vector< double > &  lp_vec,
const vector< Graph::Edge > &  edges,
int  ncount 

Same arguments as teeth_inds.

Returns true if B.handle is too small or too big, if there are an even number of teeth returned by teeth_inds, or if the teeth intersect.

int CMR::Sep::BlkCombCall ( CCtsp_lpcut_in **  c,
int *  cutcount,
int  ncount,
int  ecount,
int *  elist,
double *  ecap 

Wrapper function because CCtsp_block_combs takes a silent parameter.

All (?) sep routines have this prototype in later versions of Concorde.
vector<int> CMR::Sep::teeth_inds ( const ex_blossom B,
const vector< double > &  tour_edges,
const vector< double > &  lp_vec,
const vector< Graph::Edge > &  edges,
int  ncount,
const vector< int > &  handle_delta 
[in]Bthe blossom to expand.
[in]tour_edgesthe active tour vector.
[in]lp_vecthe lp solution used to find B.
[in]edgesthe CoreGraph edges.
[in]ncountthe number of nodes.
[in]handle_deltathe delta_inds for B.handle. Let $ \bar x $ be the edge vector of tour_edges, $ E^* $ the edges for which lp_vec is nonzero, and $ E^0, E^1 $ be the edges in $ E^* $ for which $ \bar x $ is respectively zero or one. Let $ e $ be B.cut_ind and $ H $ be B.handle. As per Letchford and Lodi (Primal Separation Algorithms), this function returns

\[ e \cup \delta(H)\cap E^1 \]

if $ e \in E^0 $, and

\[ \delta(H)\cap E^1 \setminus e \]

if $ e \in E^1 $.