File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 abc_nodesel.hppClasses for node selection rules
 active_tour.hppMonitoring the active tour in the solution process
 base_brancher.hppAbstract branching control
 blossoms.hppExact primal blossom separation
 branch_node.hppABC search nodes
 branch_tour.hppWorking with branch tours
 branch_util.hppFunctions, structs/enums, and constants for branching
 cc_lpcuts.hppWrappers for Concorde cut structures/separators
 cliq.hppReference counted storage of Cliques and Tooth objects
 config.hppConfiguration macros
 core_lp.hppManaging Core LP relaxations of TSP instances
 datagroups.hppData group structures
 dualgroup.hppLP dual solutions
 edgehash.hppHash map for graph edges
 exec_branch.hppBranching execution
 fixed64.hppWrapper/arithmetic operators for fixed precision arithmetic
 graph.hppHeader for classes/structures/functions to work with graphs
 hypergraph.hppRepresenting cuts outside the LP solver
 io_util.hppUtilities for reading and writing to files
 karp.hppKarp partitions of TSP instances
 lp_interface.hppInterface to the LP solver
 lp_util.hppMiscellaneous functions, structs/enums, and constants for LPs
 meta_sep.hppSeparating with cut metamorphoses
 mirgroup.hppUtility structures for running safe Gomory cut separation
 pool_sep.hppSeparating over a pool of cuts
 price_util.hppConstants and functions related to edge pricing
 pricer.hppPricing sets of edges
 process_cuts.hppStructures for storing and processing cuts
 qpref_brancher.hppTemplate classes/methods for branching by priority queue
 safeGMI.hppPrimal safe Gomory cut separation
 separator.hppSome straightforward separation routines
 simpleDP.hppPrimal light simple DP separation
 solver.hppTSP Solver class header
 util.hppUtility functions, macros, and structures
 camargue.cppThe camargue main program
 price_exact.cppPricer implementations for exact lower bounds/edge elimination
 price_gen.cppPricer implementations for generating negative reduced cost edges
 price_recover.cppPricer implementations for recovering an infeasible LP
 solver.cppImplementation of higher level or public Solver methods
 solver_loops.cppPrivate Solver methods with loop calls or utility functions