Files | |
file | abc_nodesel.hpp [code] |
Classes for node selection rules. | |
file | active_tour.hpp [code] |
Monitoring the active tour in the solution process. | |
file | base_brancher.hpp [code] |
Abstract branching control. | |
file | blossoms.hpp [code] |
Exact primal blossom separation. | |
file | branch_node.hpp [code] |
ABC search nodes. | |
file | branch_tour.hpp [code] |
Working with branch tours. | |
file | branch_util.hpp [code] |
Functions, structs/enums, and constants for branching. | |
file | cc_lpcuts.hpp [code] |
Wrappers for Concorde cut structures/separators. | |
file | cliq.hpp [code] |
Reference counted storage of Cliques and Tooth objects. | |
file | config.hpp [code] |
Configuration macros. | |
file | core_lp.hpp [code] |
Managing Core LP relaxations of TSP instances. | |
file | datagroups.hpp [code] |
Data group structures. | |
file | dualgroup.hpp [code] |
LP dual solutions. | |
file | edgehash.hpp [code] |
Hash map for graph edges. | |
file | err_util.hpp [code] |
file | exec_branch.hpp [code] |
Branching execution. | |
file | fixed64.hpp [code] |
Wrapper/arithmetic operators for fixed precision arithmetic. | |
file | graph.hpp [code] |
Header for classes/structures/functions to work with graphs. | |
file | hypergraph.hpp [code] |
Representing cuts outside the LP solver. | |
file | io_util.hpp [code] |
Utilities for reading and writing to files. | |
file | karp.hpp [code] |
Karp partitions of TSP instances. | |
file | lp_interface.hpp [code] |
Interface to the LP solver. | |
file | lp_util.hpp [code] |
Miscellaneous functions, structs/enums, and constants for LPs. | |
file | meta_sep.hpp [code] |
Separating with cut metamorphoses. | |
file | mirgroup.hpp [code] |
Utility structures for running safe Gomory cut separation. | |
file | pool_sep.hpp [code] |
Separating over a pool of cuts. | |
file | price_util.hpp [code] |
Constants and functions related to edge pricing. | |
file | pricer.hpp [code] |
Pricing sets of edges. | |
file | process_cuts.hpp [code] |
Structures for storing and processing cuts. | |
file | qpref_brancher.hpp [code] |
Template classes/methods for branching by priority queue. | |
file | safeGMI.hpp [code] |
Primal safe Gomory cut separation. | |
file | separator.hpp [code] |
Some straightforward separation routines. | |
file | simpleDP.hpp [code] |
Primal light simple DP separation. | |
file | solver.hpp [code] |
TSP Solver class header. | |
file | util.hpp [code] |
Utility functions, macros, and structures. | |