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CMR::LP::Relaxation Class Reference

Class for storing an lp relaxation via interface to an lp solver. More...

#include <lp_interface.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for CMR::LP::Relaxation:
Inheritance graph


struct  solver_impl

Public Member Functions

void init_mir_data (Sep::MIRgroup &mir_data)
 Construct a Sep::MirGroup.
Constructors, destructor, and assignment operators.
 Relaxation ()
 Default construct with empty, valid resource handles.
 Relaxation (Relaxation &&lp) noexcept
 Move construct.
Relaxationoperator= (Relaxation &&lp) noexcept
 Move assign.
 Relaxation (const Relaxation &lp)=delete
Relaxationoperator= (const Relaxation &lp)=delete
 ~Relaxation ()
 Destruct and free resource handles.
Methods for querying the relaxation.
bool primal_feas () const
 Is the resident basis primal feasible.
bool dual_feas () const
 Is the resident basis dual feasible.
int num_rows () const
 Number of rows in the model.
int num_cols () const
 Number of columsn in the model.
int it_count () const
 Number of iterations from last optimization.
double get_coeff (int row, int col) const
 Get constraint matrix entry.
void get_rhs (std::vector< double > &rhs, int begin, int end) const
 Get a ranged vector of righthand sides.
std::vector< double > lower_bds (int begin, int end) const
 Get the lower bounds for a range of variables.
std::vector< double > upper_bds (int begin, int end) const
 Get the upper bounds for a range of variables.
std::vector< char > senses (int begin, int end) const
 Get the senses of a range of constraints.
void get_col (int col, std::vector< int > &cmatind, std::vector< double > &cmatval) const
 Get a sparse coefficient column.
void get_row (int row, std::vector< int > &rmatind, std::vector< double > &rmatval) const
 Get a sparse coefficient row.
SparseRow get_row (int row) const
 Return a sparse coefficient row.
void get_row_infeas (const std::vector< double > &x, std::vector< double > &feas_stat, int begin, int end) const
 Feasibility status of a given solution with respect to rows.
void get_col_infeas (const std::vector< double > &x, std::vector< double > &feas_stat, int begin, int end) const
 Feasibility status of a given solution with respect to column bounds.
double get_objval () const
 Objective value for resident solution.
SolStat get_stat () const
 Get the SolStat from last optimization.
double condition_num () const
 Condition number for resident solution.
void get_x (std::vector< double > &x) const
 Get current solution.
std::vector< double > lp_vec () const
 Return current solution.
void get_base (std::vector< int > &colstat, std::vector< int > &rowstat) const
 Get the resident basis.
Basis basis_obj () const
 Return the resident basis.
std::vector< int > col_stat () const
 Return the column basis.
std::vector< int > row_stat () const
 Return the row basis.
void get_row_slacks (std::vector< double > &slack, int begin, int end) const
 Get constraint slacks for resident solution.
std::vector< double > row_slacks (int begin, int end) const
 Return constraint slacks for the resident solution.
void get_pi (std::vector< double > &pi, int begin, int end) const
 Get a range of dual values.
std::vector< double > pi (int begin, int end) const
 Return a range of dual values.
void get_redcosts (std::vector< double > &redcosts, int begin, int end) const
 Get a range of reduced costs.
std::vector< double > redcosts (int begin, int end) const
 Return a range of reduced costs.
Branching methods.
void primal_strong_branch (const std::vector< double > &tour_vec, const std::vector< int > &colstat, const std::vector< int > &rowstat, const std::vector< int > &indices, std::vector< Estimate > &down_est, std::vector< Estimate > &up_est, std::vector< Basis > &contra_bases, int itlim, double upperbound)
 Get strong branching style estimates for variables. More...
void tighten_bound (int index, char sense, double val)
 Tighten the bound on a variable. More...
void change_obj (int index, double val)
 Change an objective function coefficient.
Row and column operations.
void new_row (char sense, double rhs)
 Create a new empty row.
void new_rows (const std::vector< char > &sense, const std::vector< double > &rhs)
 Create new empty rows.
void add_cut (double rhs, char sense, const std::vector< int > &rmatind, const std::vector< double > &rmatval)
 Add constraint row.
void add_cut (const SparseRow &sp_row)
 Add constraint row struct.
void add_cuts (const std::vector< double > &rhs, const std::vector< char > &sense, const std::vector< int > &rmatbeg, const std::vector< int > &rmatind, const std::vector< double > &rmatval)
 Add constraint rows.
void del_set_rows (std::vector< int > &delstat)
 Delete a not-necessarily-contiguous set of rows.
void add_col (const double objval, const std::vector< int > &indices, const std::vector< double > &coeffs, const double lb, const double ub)
 Add a column.
void del_set_cols (std::vector< int > &delstat)
 Delete a not-necessarily-contiguous set of columns.
Basis operations.
void copy_start (const std::vector< double > &x)
 Instate a basis in the problem corresponding to a solution.
void copy_start (const std::vector< double > &x, const std::vector< int > &col_stat, const std::vector< int > &row_stat)
 Instate a specified basis in the problem, with specified solution.
void copy_base (const std::vector< int > &col_stat, const std::vector< int > &row_stat)
 Instate a basis without explicitly specifying a solution. More...
void copy_base (const Basis &base)
 Overload of copy_base for basis struct. More...
void factor_basis ()
 Make the current basis resident in the problem.
Pivoting and optimizing.
void switch_steepest ()
 Permanent switch to steepest edge pivots.
void primal_opt ()
 Optimize the Relaxation with primal simplex.
void dual_opt ()
 Optimize the relaxation with dual simplex.
void nondegen_pivot (double upper_bound)
 Primal non-degenerate pivot. More...
void cb_nondegen_pivot (double upper_bound, Basis &base, int bas_freq)
 Do a primal non-degenerate pivot with a callback to record a basis. More...
void one_primal_pivot ()
 Perform exactly one primal simplex pivot.
void one_dual_pivot ()
 Perform exactly one dual simplex pivot.
void primal_recover ()
 Pivot until the basis is primal feasible. More...

Private Attributes

std::unique_ptr< solver_implsimpl_p
 Implementation hiding for solver. More...

Detailed Description

Class for storing an lp relaxation via interface to an lp solver.

This structure stores the environment and lp data structures of the lp solver, and contains methods for modifying the relaxation in the sense of adding/removing constraints and variables.

Member Function Documentation

void CMR::LP::Relaxation::cb_nondegen_pivot ( double  upper_bound,
Basis base,
int  bas_freq 

Do a primal non-degenerate pivot with a callback to record a basis.

This method computes a non-degenerate pivot with a callback that copies the tour basis at each degenerate pivot.

This may be illegal CPLEX callback behavior, so it is not used by default.
void CMR::LP::Relaxation::copy_base ( const std::vector< int > &  col_stat,
const std::vector< int > &  row_stat 

Instate a basis without explicitly specifying a solution.

[in]col_statthe basic statuses for the columns.
[in]row_statthe basic statuses for the rows.
void CMR::LP::Relaxation::copy_base ( const Basis base)

Overload of copy_base for basis struct.

[in]basethe Basis structure containing the row and column statuses to be copied.
void CMR::LP::Relaxation::nondegen_pivot ( double  upper_bound)

Primal non-degenerate pivot.

This function computes a primal non-degenerate pivot by setting an objective value lower limit.

upper_boundthe objective value of the solution to be pivoted from; should be the objective value of the resident solution.
void CMR::LP::Relaxation::primal_recover ( )

Pivot until the basis is primal feasible.

Using the resident basis as a starting point, this function will invoke the primal simplex optimizer, stopping just as soon as a pivot renders the basis primal feasible.

void CMR::LP::Relaxation::primal_strong_branch ( const std::vector< double > &  tour_vec,
const std::vector< int > &  colstat,
const std::vector< int > &  rowstat,
const std::vector< int > &  indices,
std::vector< Estimate > &  down_est,
std::vector< Estimate > &  up_est,
std::vector< Basis > &  contra_bases,
int  itlim,
double  upperbound 

Get strong branching style estimates for variables.

[in]tour_vecthe resident best tour
[in]colstatthe column basis for tour_vec
[in]rowstatthe row basis for tour_vec
[in]indicesthe column indices of edges to examine
[out]downobjestimates for clamping a variable to zero.
[out]upobjestimates for clamping a variable to one.
void CMR::LP::Relaxation::tighten_bound ( int  index,
char  sense,
double  val 

Tighten the bound on a variable.

indexthe column number on which to change the bound.
sense'L' for <=, 'G' for >=, 'B' for ==.
valthe value to set the bound to.

Member Data Documentation

std::unique_ptr<solver_impl> CMR::LP::Relaxation::simpl_p

Implementation hiding for solver.

Pointer to solver implementation.

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