Namespaces | Classes | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
CMR::LP Namespace Reference

Manners related to LP relaxations and solver interfaces. More...


 Constants related to ages of cuts.


class  ActiveTour
 Information about the active tour in a CoreLP. More...
struct  Basis
 Row and column basic statuses corresponding to some LP solution. More...
class  CoreLP
 Class for storing the core lp associated to a TSP instance and pivoting. More...
class  CPXparamGuard
 A scope guard for making temporary changes to a CPLEX parameter. More...
struct  DualGroup
 Class template for storing dual LP solutions. More...
struct  Estimate
 Struct for storing info from branching estimates. More...
struct  NDpivotHandle
 Handle for data during a non-degenerate pivot callback. More...
class  Relaxation
 Class for storing an lp relaxation via interface to an lp solver. More...
struct  SparseRow
 Simple struct representing sparse matrix row for passing to LP solver. More...


CPLEX Parameter guards.

Limited versions of util::ScopeGuard used to make temporary changes to CPLEX env parameters.

Their destructor reverts the parameter, aborting the program if an error occurs (because destructors cannot throw).

template<typename numtype >
using CPXgetType = int(*)(CPXCENVptr, int, numtype *)
 Template alias for signature of CPXgetintparam, CPXgetdblparam, etc.
template<typename numtype >
using CPXsetType = int(*)(CPXENVptr, int, numtype)
 Template alias for signature of CPXsetintparam, CPXsetdblparam, etc.
using CPXintParamGuard = CPXparamGuard< int,&CPXgetintparam,&CPXsetintparam >
 Integer parameter guard.
using CPXdblParamGuard = CPXparamGuard< double,&CPXgetdblparam,&CPXsetdblparam >
 Double parameter guard.
using CPXlongParamGuard = CPXparamGuard< CPXLONG,&CPXgetlongparam,&CPXsetlongparam >
 CPXLONG parameter guard.


enum  PivType { PivType::Frac, PivType::Subtour, PivType::Tour, PivType::FathomedTour }
 Enum class for categorizing lp solutions. More...
enum  SolStat { SolStat::Optimal, SolStat::Infeas, SolStat::Abort }
 Enum class for categorizing solution statuses. More...
enum  BStat { AtLower = 0, Basic = 1, AtUpper = 2, FreeSuper = 3 }
 Variable basis statuses. More...


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, SolStat stat)
bool is_tour_piv (PivType P)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, Estimate::Stat estat)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, PivType piv)
template<typename cplex_query >
std::vector< double > info_vec (cplex_query F, const char *Fname, const CPXENVptr cplex_env, const CPXLPptr cplex_lp, int begin, int end)
 Template for getting a ranged result vector from CPLEX. More...
template<typename cplex_query , typename vectype >
void set_info_vec (cplex_query F, const char *Fname, const CPXENVptr cplex_env, const CPXLPptr cplex_lp, vector< vectype > &info_vec, int begin, int end)
 Like info_vec, but modifies a vector rather than returning one.
template<typename info_type >
void get_callback_info (CPXCENVptr cpx_env, void *cbdata, int wherefrom, int which_info, info_type *result_p, const char *query_description)
 Gets callback info of a particular type from a user-written callback. More...
Optimization callback implementations.

These are optimization callbacks that implement certain Relaxation methods.


constexpr double CPXzero = 1E-10
constexpr double CPXint_tol = 0.0001

Detailed Description

Manners related to LP relaxations and solver interfaces.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Variable basis statuses.


Non-basic and at lower bound.


Basic variable.


Non-basic and at upper bound.


Free variable.

enum CMR::LP::PivType

Enum class for categorizing lp solutions.


Fractional solution.


Integral subtour.


A new or augmented tour.


A tour with a dual feasible basis in the current lp.

enum CMR::LP::SolStat

Enum class for categorizing solution statuses.


Optimal solution.


Model proved infeasible.


Solution aborted due to external limit.

Function Documentation

template<typename info_type >
void CMR::LP::get_callback_info ( CPXCENVptr  cpx_env,
void *  cbdata,
int  wherefrom,
int  which_info,
info_type *  result_p,
const char *  query_description 

Gets callback info of a particular type from a user-written callback.

Template Parameters
info_typethe data type of the info to be returned. See CPXgetcallbackinfo documentation for more info.
template<typename cplex_query >
std::vector<double> CMR::LP::info_vec ( cplex_query  F,
const char *  Fname,
const CPXENVptr  cplex_env,
const CPXLPptr  cplex_lp,
int  begin,
int  end 

Template for getting a ranged result vector from CPLEX.

Template Parameters
cplex_querythe function type of the query.
Fthe function to call.
Fnamethe function name, if an error message needs to be printed.
a vector obtained by calling F to obtain info for the range begin to end.