This is the complete list of members for CMR::LP::Relaxation, including all inherited members.
add_col(const double objval, const std::vector< int > &indices, const std::vector< double > &coeffs, const double lb, const double ub) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
add_cut(double rhs, char sense, const std::vector< int > &rmatind, const std::vector< double > &rmatval) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
add_cut(const SparseRow &sp_row) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
add_cuts(const std::vector< double > &rhs, const std::vector< char > &sense, const std::vector< int > &rmatbeg, const std::vector< int > &rmatind, const std::vector< double > &rmatval) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
basis_obj() const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
cb_nondegen_pivot(double upper_bound, Basis &base, int bas_freq) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
change_obj(int index, double val) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
col_stat() const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
condition_num() const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
copy_base(const std::vector< int > &col_stat, const std::vector< int > &row_stat) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
copy_base(const Basis &base) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
copy_start(const std::vector< double > &x) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
copy_start(const std::vector< double > &x, const std::vector< int > &col_stat, const std::vector< int > &row_stat) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
del_set_cols(std::vector< int > &delstat) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
del_set_rows(std::vector< int > &delstat) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
dual_feas() const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
dual_opt() | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
factor_basis() | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
get_base(std::vector< int > &colstat, std::vector< int > &rowstat) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
get_coeff(int row, int col) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
get_col(int col, std::vector< int > &cmatind, std::vector< double > &cmatval) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
get_col_infeas(const std::vector< double > &x, std::vector< double > &feas_stat, int begin, int end) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
get_objval() const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
get_pi(std::vector< double > &pi, int begin, int end) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
get_redcosts(std::vector< double > &redcosts, int begin, int end) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
get_rhs(std::vector< double > &rhs, int begin, int end) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
get_row(int row, std::vector< int > &rmatind, std::vector< double > &rmatval) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
get_row(int row) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
get_row_infeas(const std::vector< double > &x, std::vector< double > &feas_stat, int begin, int end) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
get_row_slacks(std::vector< double > &slack, int begin, int end) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
get_stat() const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
get_x(std::vector< double > &x) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
init_mir_data(Sep::MIRgroup &mir_data) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
it_count() const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
lower_bds(int begin, int end) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
lp_vec() const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
new_row(char sense, double rhs) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
new_rows(const std::vector< char > &sense, const std::vector< double > &rhs) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
nondegen_pivot(double upper_bound) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
num_cols() const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
num_rows() const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
one_dual_pivot() | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
one_primal_pivot() | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
operator=(Relaxation &&lp) noexcept | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
operator=(const Relaxation &lp)=delete (defined in CMR::LP::Relaxation) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
pi(int begin, int end) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
primal_feas() const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
primal_opt() | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
primal_recover() | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
primal_strong_branch(const std::vector< double > &tour_vec, const std::vector< int > &colstat, const std::vector< int > &rowstat, const std::vector< int > &indices, std::vector< Estimate > &down_est, std::vector< Estimate > &up_est, std::vector< Basis > &contra_bases, int itlim, double upperbound) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
redcosts(int begin, int end) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
Relaxation() | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
Relaxation(Relaxation &&lp) noexcept | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
Relaxation(const Relaxation &lp)=delete (defined in CMR::LP::Relaxation) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
row_slacks(int begin, int end) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
row_stat() const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
senses(int begin, int end) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
simpl_p | CMR::LP::Relaxation | private |
switch_steepest() | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
tighten_bound(int index, char sense, double val) | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
upper_bds(int begin, int end) const | CMR::LP::Relaxation | |
~Relaxation() | CMR::LP::Relaxation |