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CMR::Solver Class Reference

Solution of TSP instances. More...

#include <solver.hpp>

Collaboration diagram for CMR::Solver:
Collaboration graph


struct  CutSel
 Which separation routines should be called. More...
struct  PivStats
 Tracking objective values of pivots within a cut_and_piv loop. More...

Public Types

enum  Aug : char { Init = 'I', Piv = 'P', Xtour = 'X', Branch = 'B' }
 Types of augmentations that can take place. More...
using AugObj = std::pair< Aug, double >

Public Member Functions

void set_lowerbound (double lb)
 Set a target for early termination.
LP::PivType cutting_loop (bool do_price, bool try_recover, bool pure_cut)
 Run a primal cutting plane loop of pivoting and cut generation.
template<typename SelectionRule >
LP::PivType abc (bool do_price)
 Augment-branch-cut search. More...
const Data::Instanceinst_info () const
const Graph::CoreGraphgraph_info () const
const Data::BestGroupbest_info () const
const LP::ActiveTouractive_tour () const
const LP::CoreLPget_core_lp () const
void choose_cuts (CutSel::Presets preset)
 Set the choice of cuts.
const std::vector< AugObj > & get_aug_chart () const
template<typename Qtype >
bool call_separator (const function< bool()> &sepcall, Qtype &sep_q, const std::string sep_name, PivType &piv, PivStats &piv_stats)
 This function template is used to add one class of cuts at a time, attempt to measure progress obtained, and return information on whether a further separation routine should be called. More...
TSPLIB constructors, each with or without specifying EdgePlan.
 Solver (const std::string &tsp_fname, int seed, Graph::EdgePlan eplan, OutPrefs outprefs)
 Solver (const std::string &tsp_fname, int seed, OutPrefs outprefs)
 Solver (const std::string &tsp_fname, const std::string &tour_fname, int seed, Graph::EdgePlan eplan, OutPrefs outprefs)
 Specify a starting tour from file.
 Solver (const std::string &tsp_fname, const std::string &tour_fname, int seed, OutPrefs outprefs)
Random Euclidean constructors, with or without EdgePlan.
 Solver (int seed, int node_count, int gridsize, Graph::EdgePlan eplan, OutPrefs outprefs)
 Solver (int seed, int node_count, int gridsize, OutPrefs outprefs)

Public Attributes

struct CMR::Solver::CutSel cut_sel

Private Types

using TimerCalled = std::pair< Timer, bool >

Private Member Functions

void report_lp (LP::PivType piv)
 Report on piv and core_lp.
void report_cuts ()
 Report the number and types of cuts in CoreLP.
void report_aug (Aug aug_type)
 Output info about a new tour found. More...
void initial_prints ()
 Handles writing initial data to file.
std::string file_infix ()
 Returns an infix for data saved to file.
bool restart_loop (LP::PivType piv, double delta_metric)
 Should cut_and_piv start again with the easier separation routines. More...
bool return_pivot (LP::PivType piv)
 Should cut_and_piv return piv for augmentation or pricing.
bool lb_fathom ()
 Does the current best tour match or beat target_lb.
LP::PivType cut_and_piv (bool do_price)
 A loop of primal pivoting and cutting plane generation. More...
void opt_check_prunable (bool do_price, ABC::BranchNode &prob)
 Check if prob is prunable based on an optimize/price estimate.
LP::PivType abc_bcp (bool do_price)
 The branch-cut-price loop.
LP::PivType frac_recover ()
 Use x-tour heuristic on fractional pivot.
template<typename Qtype >
bool call_separator (const std::function< bool()> &sepcall, Qtype &sep_q, const std::string sep_name, LP::PivType &piv, PivStats &piv_stats)
 Method template for calling a separation routine in cut_and_piv.
void place_pivot (double low_limit, double best_tourlen, double piv_val)
Separator resetting routines.

These methods reset their argument with data about the current pivot.

void reset_separator (std::unique_ptr< Sep::Separator > &S)
void reset_separator (std::unique_ptr< Sep::MetaCuts > &MS)
void reset_separator (std::unique_ptr< Sep::SafeGomory > &GS)

Static Private Member Functions

static double PH_delta (double new_val, double prev_val, double tourlen)
 Compute the Padberg-Hong-esque delta ratio.

Private Attributes

double target_lb {-std::numeric_limits<double>::max() + 1.0}
Data::Instance tsp_instance
Data::KarpPartition karp_part
Graph::CoreGraph core_graph
Data::BestGroup best_data
LP::CoreLP core_lp
std::unique_ptr< Price::Priceredge_pricer
std::unique_ptr< ABC::BaseBrancherbranch_controller
bool branch_engaged = false
 Is an ABC search active.
OutPrefs output_prefs
int num_augs = 0
std::vector< AugObj > aug_chart
std::array< char, 80 > p_bar
Timer time_overall {"Solver Overall"}
Timer time_piv {"Pivoting", &time_overall}
Timer time_price {"Pricing", &time_overall}
Timer time_branch {"Branching", &time_overall}
std::map< std::string, TimerCalled > sep_times

Detailed Description

Solution of TSP instances.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum CMR::Solver::Aug : char

Types of augmentations that can take place.


The starting tour.


An augmenting pivot.


The x-tour/short LK heuristic.


An improving branch tour.

Member Function Documentation

template<typename SelectionRule >
LP::PivType CMR::Solver::abc ( bool  do_price)

Augment-branch-cut search.

Template Parameters
SelectionRulethe node selection to guide the ABC search. Should be a derived class of ABC::BaseBrancher.
do_pricewill edge pricing be performed.
template<typename Qtype >
bool CMR::Solver::call_separator ( const function< bool()> &  sepcall,
Qtype &  sep_q,
const std::string  sep_name,
PivType piv,
PivStats piv_stats 

This function template is used to add one class of cuts at a time, attempt to measure progress obtained, and return information on whether a further separation routine should be called.

Template Parameters
Qtypethe queue representation of the cuts found by sepcall.
[in]sepcalla function which returns true if cuts are found, in which case they are stored in sep_q.
[out]pivif cuts are found, this is the pivot type that occurred after they were added.
[in,out]piv_statstracker for the pivot objective values seen this round.
PivType CMR::Solver::cut_and_piv ( bool  do_price)

A loop of primal pivoting and cutting plane generation.

do_priceis edge pricing being performed for this instance. Used to control Gomory cut separation.
a LP::PivType corresponding to a non-degenerate pivot that was obtainedfrom repeated rounds of cut generation and pivoting.
void CMR::Solver::report_aug ( Aug  aug_type)

Output info about a new tour found.

Prints the progress in tour improvement.

aug_typethe Solver::Aug describing the mode of augmentation.
bool CMR::Solver::restart_loop ( LP::PivType  piv,
double  delta_metric 

Should cut_and_piv start again with the easier separation routines.

pivthe PivType of the last call to primal_pivot.
delta_metricsome measurement of the change obtained from the last round of cut generation.

Member Data Documentation

std::map<std::string, TimerCalled> CMR::Solver::sep_times
Initial value:
{"CutPool", {Timer("CutPool", &time_overall), false}},
{"SegmentCuts", {Timer("SegmentCuts", &time_overall), false}},
{"ConnectCuts", {Timer("ConnectCuts", &time_overall), false}},
{"ExactSub", {Timer("ExactSub", &time_overall), false}},
{"FastBlossoms", {Timer("FastBlossoms", &time_overall), false}},
{"ExactBlossoms", {Timer("FastBlossoms", &time_overall), false}},
{"BlockCombs", {Timer("BlockCombs", &time_overall), false}},
{"SimpleDP", {Timer("SimpleDP", &time_overall), false}},
{"LocalCuts", {Timer("LocalCuts", &time_overall), false}},
{"Decker", {Timer("Decker", &time_overall), false}},
{"Handling", {Timer("Handling", &time_overall), false}},
{"Teething", {Timer("Teething", &time_overall), false}},
{"Consec1", {Timer("Consec1", &time_overall), false}},
{"Tighten", {Timer("Tighten", &time_overall), false}},
{"TightenPool", {Timer("TightenPool", &time_overall), false}},
{"SafeGMI", {Timer("SafeGMI", &time_overall), false}},

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