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CMR::ABC Namespace Reference

Augment-Branch-Cut solution. More...


 Constants related to branch selection.


class  BaseBrancher
 Abstract base class for implementing a branching node selection rule. More...
struct  BranchNode
class  BranchTourFind
 Compute branch tours for estimation and instatement, managing their edges. More...
class  DFSbrancher
 Depth-first search branching. More...
class  Executor
class  InterBrancher
 Interleaved best-estimate and best-first search branching. More...
class  QprefBrancher
 Class template for branching with priority queue via some preference rule. More...
struct  ScoreTuple


using TourBrancher = QprefBrancher< BranchNode::tour_worse >
 Alias declaration for "best tour" branching. More...
using BoundBrancher = QprefBrancher< BranchNode::bound_worse >
 Alias declaration for best-first search branching. More...
using BranchHistory = std::list< BranchNode >
using EndsDir = std::pair< EndPts, BranchNode::Dir >
 Alias declaration for EndPts and branching direction.


BranchNode::Dir dir_from_int (int entry)
 Turn a 0-1 value entry into a BranchNode::Dir.
std::string bnode_brief (const BranchNode &B)
 A concise "label" for the BranchNode B.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BranchNode::Dir &dir)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BranchNode &B)
int large_len (int ncount, const std::vector< Graph::Edge > &edges)
 Return a "large" edge length relative to the capacities in ecap.
double var_score (double mult, double v0, double v1)
 Rank a branching variable in terms of its down and up estimates. More...
std::vector< int > length_weighted_cands (const std::vector< Graph::Edge > &edges, const std::vector< int > &indices, const std::vector< double > &x, const int num_return)
 Get a list of candidate branch edges using fractional long edge branching.
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ScoreTuple &T)
std::vector< ScoreTupleranked_cands (const std::vector< int > &cand_inds, std::vector< LP::Estimate > &down_est, std::vector< LP::Estimate > &up_est, const std::vector< Graph::Edge > &edges, std::vector< LP::Basis > &contra_bases, double mult, double ub, int num_return)
 Produce a list of fixed max size containing ranked scored branching edges.
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const BranchNode::Dir &dir)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const BranchNode &B)
int large_len (int ncount, const vector< Graph::Edge > &edges)
 The intended use is that the negative return value of this function should be assigned as the edge weight to fix edges in a branching tour. More...
vector< int > length_weighted_cands (const vector< Graph::Edge > &edges, const vector< int > &indices, const vector< double > &x, const int num_return)
ostream & operator<< (ostream &os, const ScoreTuple &T)
vector< ScoreTupleranked_cands (const vector< int > &cand_inds, vector< LP::Estimate > &down_est, vector< LP::Estimate > &up_est, const vector< Graph::Edge > &edges, vector< LP::Basis > &contra_bases, double mult, double ub, int num_return)


constexpr int IntMax = std::numeric_limits<int>::max()
constexpr double DoubleMax = std::numeric_limits<double>::max()
constexpr int Int32Max = 2147483647

Detailed Description

Augment-Branch-Cut solution.

Typedef Documentation

Alias declaration for best-first search branching.

See also
BranchNode::bound_worse for implementation and tie-breaking rules.

Alias declaration for "best tour" branching.

See also
BranchNode::tour_worse for implementation and tie-breaking rules.

Function Documentation

int CMR::ABC::large_len ( int  ncount,
const vector< Graph::Edge > &  edges 

The intended use is that the negative return value of this function should be assigned as the edge weight to fix edges in a branching tour.

a large edge length for an instance with ncount nodes and edge weights ecap.
this is a re-write of a subroutine from build_sparse_dat in getdata.c from Concorde.
vector<int> CMR::ABC::length_weighted_cands ( const vector< Graph::Edge > &  edges,
const vector< int > &  indices,
const vector< double > &  x,
const int  num_return 
[in]edgesthe list of Edges in the core lp.
[in]indicesthe indices of fractional basic variables from edges
[in]xthe lp solution
[in]num_returnthe maximum number of candidate indices returned.
vector<ScoreTuple> CMR::ABC::ranked_cands ( const vector< int > &  cand_inds,
vector< LP::Estimate > &  down_est,
vector< LP::Estimate > &  up_est,
const vector< Graph::Edge > &  edges,
vector< LP::Basis > &  contra_bases,
double  mult,
double  ub,
int  num_return 
[in]cand_indsthe candidate indices to be ranked.
[in]down_estestimates for setting corresponding entry of cand_inds to zero.
[in]up_estlike down_est but for setting to one.
[in]multthe multiplier used to generate the variable score.
[in]ubcurrent upperbound for the problem. If a variable has down or up estimate bigger than this that is a hint the LP was infeasible or can be pruned by lower bound.
[in]num_returnreturn at most this many ranked candidates.
cand_inds.size() == down_est.size() == up_est.size()
a vector of ScoreTuple objects sorted in non-increasing order by score.
double CMR::ABC::var_score ( double  mult,
double  v0,
double  v1 

Rank a branching variable in terms of its down and up estimates.

For some estimation metric, evaluate a priority score for branching on a given variable.

[in]v0the estimate obtained for fixing a variable to zero
[in]v1the estimate obtained for fixing the same variable to one
[in]multthe weighting factor.

\[ \frac{\gamma\min(v_0, v_1) + \max(v_0, v_1)}{\gamma + 1} \]

where $ \gamma $ is mult.